The primary beneficiary of your disclosure is you. With help of your ratings, rooms can be conditioned according to your preferences. A further advantage of your ratings is that you can become aware of your personal impact on the environment. The secondary beneficiary is the planet which resources are saved if the conditioning is adapted individually and automatically to your preferences and location.
The app assists in the clarification your thermal expectations. If someone just opens the window because a room is over-conditioned, both in case of too much heating or too much cooling, the app will recommend you to find other solutions such as reducing the conditioning. This is an advantage for the living-space provider since conditioning costs can thus be reduced. In its finality, it will also impact your conditioning costs for your living-space.
It is not uncommon that users have diverging comfort expectations. In such a situation, the negotiation process is often not objective. Through the assisted decision-making process provided by ComfortID, the best compromise can be found that provides best comfort to residents while assuring minimal energy consumption.
Research has shown that in the past decades the mean indoor temperature has constantly risen, but the thermal comfort satisfaction has remained at the same level. Researches suggest that thermal comfort can only be achieved through a designed holistic thermal experience. In other words, the assumption that everyone just wants it warmer is wrong.
The heating or cooling system has several sub components. The ComfortID application does not necessarily need to interact directly with the heat or cooling source. It provides to the end consumer recommendations how to adjust radiator or the ventilator to meet her/his comfort temperature.
ComfortID can literally be used in every conditioned space. In other words, in a hotel room, in a vehicle such as a car or an airplane, in a shopping mall, in an office, etc. Evidently, if the space is used by multiple persons, the environment can not be adapted only to a single one, unless there are individualized conditioning systems in place. The goal of this project is to change how comfort is provided to you. Instead of you having to adjust the environment, the environment adjust to you.
Imagine you leave in Stockholm and you have booked a room in Colombo, Sri Lanka during
December to skip the Swedish winter.
The first difference is that during the booking process you will have to disclose your
desired room temperature. With ComfortID this happens automatically and your burden of
booking is lighter.
The second issue is: How do you know which is your desired room temperature in Colombo?
You could just take the one of at home, but in Sri Lanka it is much warmer outside. Wou
will most likely wear lighter clothes.
Therefore, maybe a bit hotter, but how much? With ComfortID you do not have to bother.
Using your previous rating, your ComfortID knows which is the minimal conditioning, in
this case the highest comfortable room temperature, that will satisfy you.
It will even take into consideration the acclimatization process your body will undergo
during your stay in Sri Lanka.
ComfortID evaluates the thermal comfort expectations of a lot of users. Therefore, even if you provide few ratings, ComfortID can categorize you using anonymized data other users have provided. ComfortID uses advanced algorithms known under the term of "swarm intelligence" in order to procure you the best comfort experience wherever you go, whenever you stay.