Icon legend

ID Symbol Explanation
1 Statistics about your comfort
2 Administrator of a zone
3 Info that one should take care about the imminent end of an away period and maybe preheat his home. Indicates also the current active away period in the scheduler.
4 Info that the end of an away period is unknown.
5 Add a thermostat
6 Zone is occupied by an inhabitant thus conditioned
7 Zone is not occupied by an inhabitant thus conditioned according to away temperature.
8 Schedule vacancies.
9 User that is not taken into consideration during automatic vacancy detection. For users that do not carry there end devices with them like SmartPads for children.
10 User that is taken into consideration during automatic vacancy detection.
11 Alert open window.
12 Symbol indicating a manual change of set temperature.
13 Inhabitant of a home that can rate and is considered in climatization of a private home.
14 A visitor that can rate the climate but is not considered in climatization of private home.
15 Private Zone. Rating only for authorized users.
16 Public Zone.
17 Time schemes for temperature offsets.
18 Configuration of room inhabitants
User with no user administration rights in a home
19 Indication that a load reduction is currently performed. See in advanced settings of profile page for your energy system optimization parameters.

Common questions

  • The rating page gives you the opportunity to rate your thermal experience. Just click on one of the symbols that corresponds to your current sensation. This will open a dialog in which you are provided several choices how to improve your condition in case you feel uncomfortable.

    In case, you have no sensor installed you will be asked to provide the indoor temperature every 60min unless another user has already provided the temperature. You can review the temperature anytime.

    The page provides also direct links to your zone unless you have not yet configured your zone. In this case, a button asks you to submit your own zone and define rooms. A room is needed since indoor temperatures may vary from one to another room.

    You can review your activity by clicking on the number of comfort experiences in the last 7 days.

    • Overview over the outdoor climatic conditions for your current location
    • Overview of your saving potential for the zone you have selected
    • Recommendations on how to improve your comfort while saving resources

    The barchart shows you saving potential relative to your individual comfort temperature. Positive values mean that there is saving potential. Negative values mean that the indoor condition do not satisfy your comfort expectations thus more heat is needed to satisfy your expectations.

  • This page provides you an overview of your personal carbon footprint in relation to your peers. You can select among private and public zones. In case you are associated to a private zone, you may see others carbon footprint. In case of a public zone, you get an anonymous feedback.

    This page gives you also direct access to your settings such as a temporary offset and setbacks.

    If you want to invite other inhabitants or visitors to your zone you can do that by clicking on "Manage Community".

  • The heating or cooling system has several subcomponents. The ComfortID application does not necessarily need to interact directly with the heat or cooling source. It provides to the end consumer recommendations how to adjust radiator or the ventilator to meet her/his comfort temperature.

  • ComfortID can literally be used in every conditioned space. In other words, in a hotel room, in a vehicle such as a car or an airplane, in a shopping mall, in an office, etc. Evidently, if the space is used by multiple persons, the environment can not be adapted only to a single one, unless there are individualized conditioning systems in place. The goal of this project is to change how comfort is provided to you. Instead of you having to adjust the environment, the environment adjust to you.

  • Imagine you leave in Stockholm and you have booked a room in Colombo, Sri Lanka during December to skip the Swedish winter.
    The first difference is that during the booking process you will have to disclose your desired room temperature. With ComfortID this happens automatically and your burden of booking is lighter.
    The second issue is: How do you know which is your desired room temperature in Colombo? You could just take the one of at home, but in Sri Lanka it is much warmer outside. Wou will most likely wear lighter clothes. Therefore, maybe a bit hotter, but how much? With ComfortID you do not have to bother. Using your previous rating, your ComfortID knows which is the minimal conditioning, in this case the highest comfortable room temperature, that will satisfy you. It will even take into consideration the acclimatization process your body will undergo during your stay in Sri Lanka.

  • ComfortID evaluates the thermal comfort expectations of a lot of users. Therefore, even if you provide few ratings, ComfortID can categorize you using anonymized data other users have provided. ComfortID uses advanced algorithms known under the term of "swarm intelligence" in order to procure you the best comfort experience wherever you go, whenever you stay.

  • The website ComfortID.org provides a function to cancel active and planned away periods. Just login and navigate to Modules/Zones!